Thursday, June 29, 2006

More Neighborhood Explorations

Cop the Truth is the first conservative blog I've stumbled across randomly at eBlogger (though a few of my traditional favorites are also here, such as the Belmont Club). Well the Belmont Club is at ... same thing, isn't it?
Most of the time I'd rather interact with those who disagree with me, but I'll probably look up Cop the Truth from time to time just to see to what degree we agree.


  1. Thanks for the kind words, hope you visit again...

  2. I'll be sure to drop by again.
    I'm not sure how kind my words happened to be--though just finding that we're in agreement about some stuff is an implicit compliment, right?

    I'm dumping the comment moderation thing until I'm deluged with commentary (forever?--lol).
    I had no idea that folks had visited until I just happened to stumble onto the right section of the control panel.

    Same goes for "word verification."


Please remain on topic and keep coarse language to an absolute minimum. Comments in a language other than English will be assumed off topic.