Monday, September 04, 2006

Searching for Sith

I'm not happy with my Sith blogroll.

Charles Kuffner ("Off the Kuff") is so concerned with things in Texas that most of his material is only of passing interest to me.
Kele of "Kele's Journey" is apparently on another one of his frequent vacations (check his spotty archive sometime).
Barnum's Baileywick's Wick o' the Bailey is serviceable enough in providing grist for the mill/food for thought, but with all due respect to Baileywick, there has to be something better from the Left.

My random searches have mostly turned up Fever Swamp liberals, and those who aren't Fever Swampers still somehow manage to make Baileywick seem a Socrates by comparison.

What to do?

I went to blog rankings looking for possible Sith candidates. I did so with some reluctance, since the more popular blogs draw the heaviest commentary in response, and I'd just as soon not chant along with the crowd.

Thanks to Wizbang, I'll be tracking Michael J. Totten's blog. Today, I didn't find much from Totten that fit the category of Leftist political talk, but Totten provided some fascinating pictures and commentary from Israel. If I had stumbled onto his blog accidentally (and forgotten his name from the blogs of other commentators), I wouldn't have thought him a liberal from this material ... maybe that's a good thing.

Those who attain the Sith blogroll will receive strong benefit of the doubt before prompting me to remove them. The upshot of that is that there will very probably always be more than two Sith in the Sublovierse.

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