Saturday, October 14, 2006

Bloghopping interim report

I started a companion blog to this one a few weeks ago, one dedicated more directly to putting the hammer to the poor reasoning that I run into so frequently at liberal blogs (not that a conservative blog couldn't post nonsense).
I titled it Bad Blogs' Blood, and the first bloodletting has already taken place.

Not every liberal blog I visit merits such treatment, however. Unfortunately, most of the ones that avoid putting stupid things in cyberprint tend to tackle way more than political issues. One such blog is "Clareified" which I visited today. Apart from some unwarranted canonization of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the blog was smartly written and avoided saying overtly silly things (apart from some evidence that that blogger is a Yankee fan, anyway).

It just seems fair to mention the blogs that aren't so bad in addition to the ones that I intentionally expose as having no idea what they're talking about.

So, props to Dawn Summers. Your political views are wrong, but your blog is pretty good!

Note: Thanks to Dawn Summers for offering a good-natured reply on her blog and linking to this post (is that a real name or is it indicative of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fandom?).

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