Friday, August 20, 2010

The first "Sublime Bloviations" fanblog ... of sorts (Updated)

A new blog appeared recently by name of "Politi-Psychotics" and with the subtitle of "Because Bloviations aren't that Sublime."

The author, presumably Karen Street (based on the blatant similarity to her comments at PolitiFact's FaceBook page), has begun a series of criticisms of my criticisms of PolitFact.  Despite the ghastly formatting of her blog posts, I'll probably bother to explain the problems with her criticisms from time to time.

Why anyone would bother to target the little-known commentary I publish is beyond me ... unless it's love ...


Closed for remodeling?

Remodeling would be a good idea.  As mentioned above, the formatting was so atrocious that reading the blog was a chore--not that I count Sublime Bloviations as a shining counterexample.  The arguments presented there at the time I visited were horrible, so the lousy formatting perhaps served a useful purpose by protecting them from scrutiny.  Though allowing readers only by invitation is arguably an even more effective method.

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