Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The say anything president

Victor Davis Hanson with a gem:
One of the strangest aspects of Obama’s rationalizations is their utter incoherence and illogic: He brags that America pumped more oil and gas under his watch, even as he did his best to stop just that on public lands; he brags that he put in fewer regulations than did Bush, even as he boasts that he reined in business; he brags that he had to borrow $5 trillion to grow government in order to save the country, even as he claims he reduced the size of government. Why does Obama try to take credit for things on Tuesday that he damned on Monday? Is his new campaign theme: Despite (rather than because of) Obama?
The "all things to all people" approach of Obama's 2008 campaign becomes harder to duplicate when the historical record keeps interfering.

More gems from Hanson if you follow the link.

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