Thursday, March 11, 2010

Banned from CFI forums

No, not me.  Not yet.  But I found this instance of banning interesting considering past exchanges I've had with moderators of the Center for Inquiry forum, an online humanist/secularist discussion forum that supposedly welcomes outside opinions.  Moderators use blue text when moderating, by the way.

Britincanada - 10 March 2010 03:06 PM
Don’t lecture me my friend
All montheisms
Yap, yap, yap…......all mouth and no trousers
Your an atheist, probably an agnostic or religious sympathiser,....a liberal, wish-washy, limp-wristed atheist
I’m an anti-theist
Are you Jewsih? Would explain your preoccupation with Hitler and final solutions.
Britincanada, you’re new here so I want to make quite clear that use of the kind of inflated rhetoric you display in this post and some previous ones is not within the rules of this forum. In particular, use of homophobic epithets and your suggestion that one would need to be Jewish in order to find Hitler’s final solution problematic are in violation of several clauses of Rule 3. Please do try to discuss these issues in a more dispassionate and judicious manner. Repeated rule violations can lead to banning.
Homophobic epithets?  Limp-wristed???
Main Entry: limp–wrist·ed
Pronunciation: \ˈlimp-ˌris-təd\
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1960
1 : effeminate
2 : weak
That's from the plainly homophobic Merriam-Webster online dictionary and thesaurus (he obviously meant "weak").

The secondary complaint is no less absurd, with the absurdity magnified by the moderator's background in philosophy.  The banned individual did not write that one would need to be Jewish in order to find the final solution problematic, but instead offered that a focus on the final solution was understandable from a Jewish person.  That's a huge difference, and it makes the CFI moderator guilty of a straw man fallacy.

As for "Rule 3," it's a doozy composed of eight subsections.

It boils down to the fact that you're gone if they want you gone.

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