Wednesday, April 06, 2011

The giant crowbar that brings government into your personal life

The Florida ACLU apparently thinks it's hit on an ingenious idea to keep the government out of ladies' reproductive decisions.

Treat your body like a business.  Incorporate your uterus.

I detect major backfire.

Consider the liberal take on the individual mandate for ObamaCare.  Liberal jurisprudence considers it obvious that the commerce clause permits federal government jurisdiction over even the decision not to purchase health insurance. 

Turn the uterus into a business and how does the government not have jurisdiction over the use of that business?  The decision to have sex, for example, has commercial repercussions for the insurance industry.  Pregnancies and STDs have impact on insurance risk.  The ways a woman conducts her uterine business will thus invite federal regulation.

Great idea, ACLU.  Maybe you should consider joining the cases challenging the individual mandate.

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