Monday, May 26, 2014

Sex discrimination in automobile insurance

There oughta be a law

Now that the nation has addressed unfair sex discrimination in health insurance, the next logical step is to ban gender rating in automobile insurance.
“The gender gap in insurance is especially real under the age of 25,” says Anne Fleming, president and CEO of consumer review site

“Under the age of 25, male drivers are absolutely paying more than their female counterparts when they drive the same car, are the same age and have the same coverage.”
The above passage comes from a document that also assures us that men pay more for good reason:  They present a higher risk to insurance companies.  But the same is true with health insurance.  In both cases, gender rating charges more for the gender carrying higher risk.

So it's a simple matter of fairness.  And we'll be making this sensible advance right behind the European Union.  Right, President Obama?

Fair is fair.

Or is it?

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