Sunday, December 09, 2007

More Blumnerian Bush-bashing

Last week the St. Petersburg Times' human pinata, editorial columnist Robyn Blumner, did her Bush-basing in the name of science!

The jumping-off point for the anti-Bush diatribe was the forced resignation of Christine Comer as director of science at the Texas Education Agency.

Blumner mentions the ouster of Comer as though it were entirely because of a forwarded e-mail advertising an event opposed to the Intelligent Design movement. The story linked above suggests that there may be quite a bit more to it than that. Without copies of the Comer version of the e-mail and the full text of the memo recommending Comer's termination there's no telling what role spin from either side has taken.

The Bush-bashing, as it frequently does in a Blumner column, resembles the "six degrees of Kevin Bacon" game.
Not surprisingly, a former adviser to George Bush as Texas governor who also worked in his federal Department of Education provoked the Comer witch hunt. Lizzette Reynolds, deputy commissioner for statewide policy and programs, complained about Comer's e-mail and called for her termination.
(St. Petersburg Times)
More on the particulars as time and attention allows.


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