Sunday, December 02, 2007

Reality-based community still having trouble facing reality

The self-described "libhomo" dropped by to voice skepticism about reports that violence in Iraq is diminishing.

The line is that the reports all come through official government channels, either controlled by the United States or by our puppet government in Iraq.

Reporter Michael Ware reeled off plenty of criticism of the surge strategy.

Here's Ware earlier last month:

For those not inclined to watch the video, this is how Ware starts out:
Well, I have to say it truly is a blessing what the Iraq that I have returned to.
It is logical to expect that a real decrease in violence in Iraq results in a person like Ware rendering that type of assessment.

The alternative involves conspiratorial thinking that makes Ware the puppet of the administration despite his near-constant criticisms of the administration.


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