Thursday, July 06, 2006

Added "Day by Day" Cartoon in Sidebar!

Oh, how I mourn the day that "Calvin & Hobbes" ceased.

All is not lost, however. "Get Fuzzy" has its moments, and "Day by Day" (which I discovered over at Captain's Quarters blog--see blogroll @ right) has become my favorite cartoon. It's well-drawn, funny, and politically palatable for the likes of me. So I like it, already.
Click on the cartoon to transport thyself to the "Day by Day" homepage. There's a nifty little b&w graphic where you can get a quick description of the main characters by hovering the mouse over their faces (the faces acquire color as the description appears below).
Chris Muir has been doing the strip for some time. I've gone through a few weeks from the beginning--a bit more political at the start, but there's some hilarious stuff. Enjoy!

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