Thursday, May 22, 2008

A friendly review of "Expelled"

Why I don't regularly read Orson Scott Card's regular column is a mystery. I recommend the column to others. Scratch that. If I place a link in my "Favorites" folder I'll get around to checking his column as I should.

Card's most recent column, from earlier this month, praises "Expelled" even as Card makes clear that he thinks that Intelligent Design ideas are inappropriate for the science classroom. And Card makes several points that are unusual coming from a (center left) liberal and (from what I can tell) religious skeptic.

I think Ben Stein's movie deals fairly yet powerfully with a vitally important issue and should be seen by everyone with enough education to make sense of it (which means not your average middle school student).

But let me make it clear from the start that I believe Intelligent Design is wrong and potentially dangerous -- and shouldn't be taught in science classes as if it were a scientific theory, because it is not.


Read the whole thing for the juicy bits, including Card's skepticism of human-caused global warming.

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