Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Michelle Obama (Updated)

Barack Obama has taken some heat for his long and close association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the "just my pastor" who is "like family." Wright, as is now well known, holds some astonishing views such as the notion that the United States government invented and spread AIDs, but more importantly weaves such outrageous commentary into sermons and public statements that divisively emphasize race.

Obama has worked to keep Wright from dragging him down politically by publicly dissociating himself from Wright's views.

Michelle Obama seems to be having a rougher time of it. Her stump speeches appear to indicate that the Wright-wing rhetoric has sunk in over the years. She does not maintain Wright's more extreme conspiratorial views, but the overall dim view of the United States comes through.
Apparently she paid attention while in church where her husband perhaps did not.

And when you're struggling all the time the future is a distant dream. And how do I know we're struggling? Because I can look over my life and see how the trajectory for families like the ones I've grown up in has changed. Life has gotten harder, not easier, for working people.
To paraphrase Barbie (and Michelle Obama): "Life is hard."

And now a word from Hugh Hewitt:
I think Michelle Obama's stump-speech message of the unfairness of "moving bars," opportunity-killing debt burdens on college graduates, families having to move away from great aunts, and the fear engulfing the "vast majority of Americans" is not going to resonate with most voters.


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