Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who's the worst person in the world, again?

Scott Johnson at Power Line posted about Keith Olbermann's interview of Chris Matthews after Tim Russert's death. Johnson's explanation of the sequence of events, while accurate, arguably obscures the depths to which Olbermann sinks.

With due acknowledgment to the work of others in bringing this story to the attention of the public, I think the most graphic way to reveal Keith Olbermann consists of showing three consecutive videos each is short) with minimal commentary.

Chris Matthews insults Tim Russert during an interview by Olbermann, essentially saying that Russert was duped into supporting the war (Mathews and Olbermann are well-known in opposition, so it's a nice little pat on their own backs).

Andrew Breitbart, on Fox & Friends, calls Russert a fair Democrat.

Olbermann names Fox the "Worst person in the world" for supposedly disrespecting Russert so soon after his passing.

And our winners Fox News and its morning program--and this is not the usual nonsense; this is about class, or its lack.

You want to do a segment dismissing Tim Russert as a member of the liberal media, you want to feed the delusions of your viewers that the failures of their lives are fault of somebody else like TV news and not their own responsibility? You want find an excuse for the daily two minute hate? And this time it's gotta be Tim and whoever might succeed him?
Olbermann was correct about one thing. His segment was about lack of class. Olbermann lacks class.

The funny thing about Olbermann, who works his way onto my radar rarely enough, is his dizzyingly rapid descent into self-parody. Olbermann has fashioned himself into a grotesque caricature of Bill O' Reilly. Did jealously play a part in that self-transformation? I don't know Olbermann nearly well enough to even guess based on his personality, but it seems like a reasonable speculation on the face of it.

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