Sunday, August 26, 2007

Maybe Maliki gets the last laugh

After press reports depicted him as unable to effectively govern Iraq and after a number of prominent Democrats called for his ouster from his position as prime minister of Iraq, PM Nuri al-Maliki's recent political maneuvering appears to have made a promising breakthrough.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq's top Shi'ite, Sunni Arab and Kurdish political leaders announced on Sunday they had reached consensus on some key measures seen as vital to fostering national reconciliation.

The agreement by the five leaders was one of the most significant political developments in Iraq for months and was quickly welcomed by the United States, which hopes such moves will ease sectarian violence that has killed tens of thousands.
(Reuters, through Yahoo! News)

It remains to be seen if the deal will work out in practice, but good news on the Iraq political front has been rare--so this news is welcome.
Hopefully, Washington Democrats will have ample opportunity to eat another set of ill-timed and ill-spoken words.

Hat-tip to Powerline.

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