Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Note to Obama: This is why you don't talk about sending troops into Pakistan while campaigning

Yeah, it was an assistant from the State Department that got the ball rolling, but Obama got it headed downhill with momentum.
ISLAMABAD: Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Major (retd) Syed Tanveer Hussain has advised the government to recognise the Taliban and open all corridors for militants to wage Jihad for the liberation of Kashmir.

“India will not give freedom to the Kashmiris through dialogue so we have to wage a Jihad and our Mujahideen will secure the freedom of Kashmir within six months,” he said, while speaking in the National Assembly on Tuesday during a debate on Pakistan’s foreign policy.
(The News)
The minister's call for jihad was intended, in part, to "give a shut-up call to the United States over its threats to Pakistan."

Hopefully Musharraf will marginalize this character before Pakistan starts to disintegrate.

This did not have to happen. The State Department official was taken slightly out of context, and the White House responded with assurances regarding its respect for Pakistan's sovereignty. Obama allowed himself (by printing the story on his campaign Web site) to appear to favor an invasion of Pakistan, and then was seen as standing for his position in later comments--no statement of respect for Pakistan's anti-terrorism stance and no respect for its sovereignty.

Way to go, Obama. Restoring respect around the globe.

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